Permaculture for Coaches: Action Choice, Design Principles, Observational Perspectives

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Permaculture for Coaches: Action Choice, Design Principles, Observational Perspectives

Permaculture for Coaches: Action Choice, Design Principles, Observational Perspectives

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Nick Allen & Steve Charters

Permaculture for Coaches: Action Choice, Design Principles, Observational Perspectives

Permaculture for Coaches and Coaching. We’re excited to share some of the emerging themes that arose when experienced coaches were asked to see their work, clients and coaching frameworks/models through a permaculture lense. Permaculture, which draws mainly from the study of ecology and the ways natural ecosystems evolve and are sustainable, offers a set of transferable principles that are immensely helpful when exploring sustainable business and life choices. It gives coaches an alternative and refreshing repertoire of observational perspectives, design principles and action choices

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Date And Time

Mar 6, 2022 @ 04:00 PM (GMT) to
Mar 6, 2022 @ 06:00 PM (GMT)


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