Creatively Holding Space: Value Adding Group Facilitation for Climate Grief
In this workshop, Farah Ali and Sarah Birch, Facilitators trained by the Good Grief Network’s founders, will offer sample experiences of creative processes that GGN uses to create a holding space for the liminal work that. happens in the support groups.
Good Grief Network (GGN) brings people together to metabolize collective grief, eco-anxiety, and other heavy emotions that arise in response to daunting planetary crises. They offer 10-week peer-to-peer support groups help folks recognize, feel, and process their heavy emotions, so that these feelings may be transformed into meaningful action. They have run over 50 groups in the past 4 years, and this work has gotten extensive recognition in news media as well as professional publications.
Part of what makes the GGN 10-step so successful is the layered integration of creative approaches into their processing. Learn the ways that this impacts facilitation and how you can use it in your own work.
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Presenter(s) Bio
Farah Ali (https://farahalicoach.com/) (she/her) is a relationship coach and also a Climate Grief Facilitator for the Good Grief Network. WHAT I DO: I help single professionals get over divorce/breakup/betrayal/confusion so that they can find an ideal partner. HOW I DO IT: I have felt the frustration of not knowing how to find the right partner myself: I was a highly accomplished professional and remained single 25+ years! My career grew but my love life stagnated. I did all the things I could think of-- what made the difference is what I now teach. Have been happily partnered with my ideal partner since 2019. Through private coaching, I empower you to build lasting change by uncovering what hinders you. You'll develop acceptance and deeper empathy about the past, and consequently build transformation for the future. WHAT MY CLIENTS ARE SAYING: “Farah has a gentle and lighthearted way of working. She provides a safe and judgment free container that makes it easy to open up and allows for deep work. I found that in my work with Farah, I was able to have more openheartedness and ease in my personal relationship with my ex.” --Adriana M, Intimacy Coach
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Posted By - Farah Ali
Email - farahalicoach@gmail.com
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Spare Field - Not in use - Sarah Birch (She/Her) is a mother of two young girls, a family girl, and long-time climate change professional, turned Resilience Health Coach (coaching eco-conscious individuals to better health and wellness in stressful times). She loves being in water and the ocean, playing and learning in her emerging learner vegetable garden, dreaming up healthy recipes and having fun with her kids on many rambles in forests and mountains around Cape Town. She has spent many years deeply worried about the future, but equally spent some time in a state of denial about the rapidity of the changes going on in the world. With two small girls to think about, emotions were all over the place and difficult to process! The Good Grief network and the 10-Step Programme have been pivotal in her life in creating space to process, in improving her coping mechanisms, and finding community to lean on. She is thrilled to have the ability to hold space for others in similar predicaments as a facilitator for the Good Grief Network.
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