How Coaches Can Balance The Understanding Of Climate Change Between Continents And Countries
Climate is changing and the changes are not affecting only North America or Europe but almost all the continents and countries are facing the effects. To be able to take action full awareness is needed. Coaching is a great way to increase awareness. There is an imbalance in the number of coaches in different continents and countries. Especially in countries where the income is much lower than the developed countries the possibility to reach a coach is very low. The awareness and education levels are also lower in undeveloped countries. This creates a great imbalance. The Climate can not be changed only in several countries but all countries must act together to be able to cope with the possible disasters that may arise with Climate change. How can we help to increase awareness in these countries where the understanding of effects of Climate change is not clearly understood?
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Event Timezone Reference - London
Presenter(s) Bio
I am a Material Scientist, an Entrepreneur, and a coach in Turkey. I am running an Innovative SME since 2008 which the main focus being a Sustainable World. Being in the Innovation ecosystem I had the chance to see the great potential of these innovative companies and do my best to be able to increase their chance of survival and potential. I am a father of a beautiful young woman and I want to do my best as a father to increase the chance of our beautiful World surviving so that my daughter’s children can also have the chance to live the beauties of mother earth as we had.
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Posted By - Oktay Uysal
Email - oktayuysal@enteknomaterials.com
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