Discovering Relational Systems & my coaching practice: Who might I become?
In this 90 minute session the climate coaching community is invited to be curious about systems thinking in their coaching. Drawing deeply on her work in discovering ancient & indigenous knowledge, Janet Mrenica will describe Relational Systems Thinking and what it takes to work with your clients in this way. The session builds on the “Transforming Our Impact” Global CCA session held on 24 November 2021 ** and invites you to take the next step, closer in.
This session is the first of three* sessions. Janet will present an overview of the awareness of change methodology, take you on a deep dive into at least 2 of the 5 elements, and introduce 7 leadership capacities.
This session will bring greater awareness to our coaching practices, opening the door to seeing possibilities not seen through our usual world view. The session will use experiential techniques, such as sense-making approaches, to guide a collective reflection and dialogue on what is needed in our practice to create an environment where we can listen to the whispers of the future.
Workshop facilitated by Janet Mrenica (Canada) and by Fiona Anderson (UK).
*The next two sessions will be scheduled in late March and April.
** Please prepare by watching the 24 November 2021 session https://www.climatecoachingalliance.org/event/dialogue-or-discussion-transforming-our-impact-catalysing-systems-change/
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - UK
Presenter(s) Bio
Janet Mrenica, Alchemist, is an FCPA/CMA, FCPFA, certified as both Climate Change and Integral Coach, uses Neil’s Wheel, ICF member, who integrates relational systems theory, Ancient wisdom/traditions and psychometrics into her work. She lives, works and plays in the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin and Anishinaabe peoples, Ottawa Canada.
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Janet Mrenica
Email - taproot.jem.systems@bell.net
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Spare Field - Not in use - Fiona Anderson, Alchemist Assistant, has been coaching for nearly 20 years. She’s passionate about climate justice as climate change affects our unequal world unequally. She’s based in Devon in the South West of England where she is happiest connecting with the life of the woods, hills and sea.
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