Conscious Evolution Leadership
Conscious Evolution Leadership: A Heart-Based Leadership Transformation Process Of Embodiment, Movement & Music
PresenceAtWork aims to contribute to the United Nations’ sustainability goals by supporting senior corporate management to raise their consciousness. The Conscious Evolution Leadership approach is about integrating your whole-body intelligence – in gut, heart and head – to allow for an upgrade in our human programming. When we are solid in our skin, we can safely raise our consciousness towards the level of ‘Love’ (in terms of Dr. Hawkins scale of human consciousness). At this level, we can deal with today’s world with more confidence and a better sense of direction, in touch with who we are and what we stand for. This is how we propel leaders to naturally contribute to the greater good. Join this Conscious Evolution Leadership introduction session in which we will give you an experience of leadership embodiment and raising consciousness. This inspiring session includes a number of exercises to activate your body intelligence by using music, movement and focus.
It is my mission to connect people and ideas to create a world that works for all. Only if we up-level our BEing from the inside out, are we able to make that higher vision for leadership a reality. Leaders adopting ‘Love’ as their natural state of being, are compelled to place their leadership in the broader societal context AND simultaneously facilitate the circumstances for themselves, their people and their businesses to thrive.
From my experience of working in corporate for over 15 years, I know that leaders need to significantly raise consciousness to flourish. Corporate has the biggest shift to make and organisations cannot evolve beyond where their senior leaders are. In their quest for new, compelling leadership, especially now in times of tremendous change and challenge, leaders wonder where to begin a journey of self-realisation and deeper meaning. The answer to this question is simple: begin with who and what you are. Light the torch you are already carrying inside, and find the answers for emotional, physical and spiritual fulfilment.
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Presenter(s) Bio
Roelien Bokxem - Founder and principal of PresenceAtWork Roelien leverages many years of experience as a certified coach and experiential facilitator, combined with leading-edge research and insights into embodied and systemic leadership. A transformative personal journey of discovery led her to develop a powerful recipe for raising consciousness, reflected in the Conscious Evolution Leadership offering. As a facilitator of people transformation and culture change, she has supported organisations across Europe, North-America and Asia. Roelien is passionate about people, always seeing their potential and longing for their true self to come out. In PresenceAtWork, Roelien is the primary lead in the Conscious Evolution Leadership offering, supporting seasoned CEOs and other senior leaders to integrate head and heart intelligence. From her experience of implementing Collective Leadership in corporate since 2010, she knows leaders need to significantly raise consciousness to flourish in the 2020 decade. Corporate has the biggest shift to make and organisations cannot evolve beyond where their most senior leaders are.
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Posted By - Roelien Bokxem
Email - roelienbokxem@presenceatwork.com
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