Coaching for Social Impact on Climate Change
ICF Foundation reflects the passion and commitment of coaches to make a difference. Each of us wants to make a difference. As coaches, we know that the right questions at the right time in the right place can change conversations and make an impact. Come along to this session so we can identify what matters for bridging the gap between what is needed and possible through the transformational benefits of coaching for the benefit of our planet.
Are you passionate about the social impact coaching can have for mission-driven organizations and wonder “what I can do as a coach for Climate Change?” Join the ICF Foundation on March 5 at 4:30 pm GMT during the 2022 Global Festival. We are calling all coaches and nonprofit leaders to discuss how we can deliver the greatest possible contribution of coaching for humanity and the planet!
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Event Timezone Reference - GMT
Presenter(s) Bio
Fabiola Solis, PCC, ICF Foundation Council of Ambassador Fabiola is committed to holistic human development, diversity in an integrated cosmovision that she refers to as eco-belonging. Fabiola had developed a strong commitment as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Certified Mentor Coach, Trainer, and Coaching Supervisor. As a volunteer leader, she had served International Coaching Federation since 2013, as vice-president and president of the ICF Chile Charter Chapter, co-coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean, and also participated as a member of several task forces and committees for ICF Global. Born in Ecuador and having Chile as her home, the vision she holds for Latin America is to accomplish a more equitable society, proud of its native indigenous legacy, empowered to be the protagonist of the new world that is emerging.
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Amy Friskney
Email - amy.friskney@foundationoficf.org
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Spare Field - Not in use - Dr. Belinda Hayes, PhD, CPCC, PCC Ambassador Belinda works as a consultant, facilitator, and executive leadership and human potential coach. She has spent over 30 years in senior leadership roles in Higher Education in her native New Zealand, internationally in Nepal, Greece, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently, in the Sultanate of Oman with the Ministry of Higher Education. Belinda’s coaching work centers around exploring human potential and supporting the creation of more meaningful lives, organizations worth working in and communities worth living in.
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