CCA Communities

Self-organising communities are at the heart of the Climate Coaching Alliance. After all, that’s what we are. In addition to our global community of members, we have other communities evolving: Local Communities, Language Communities and Pods (Communities of Interest). We believe that communities of coaches focused on leaning into the vast opportunities and often overwhelming space that the climate and ecological crisis presents will be accelerators for our learning as practitioners, people and a global profession.

Why community? Global change happens at the point of intimate conversations and in Sally Gillespie’s book on Climate Change and Consciousness, she highlights the profound impact of a trusted community to enable us to grow in courage, consciousness and action. Small communities can:

  • Move more nimbly and be ‘freer’ than one large global community and structure things in a way that works for the members.
  • Share resources, co-coach and support reflective practice together to stretch their own growth and systemic practice development.

Finding a community Check out the list below to find details of the co-leads and a contact email address for our existing communities. 

Getting involved We are an open organisation, which means anyone can join any community regardless of place, knowledge or experience. You can participate in as many communities as you want and have time for. If the community and conversation you want to be part of haven’t been created yet and you’d like to set this up, please email us here. We’ve created a Community Launch page to help you bring your community to life!

Where we live matters Place and people create unique possibilities. Complex challenges in a place are best addressed through community in a way that builds ownership, understanding and new shared stories. There are no silver bullets, simple roadmaps or quick fixes. Those involved have to find their way based on local circumstances and the capacity of the community to find a way through.

Our language matters One language is not the same as another. In Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book, Braiding Sweetgrass, she highlights the vast difference between English language and Potawatomi language for example in terms of the embedded ‘aliveness’ or animacy in the language. 

The English language describes a world full of objects, Anishinaabe languages of which Potawatomi is one, describes a world full of beings. All languages are different in the culture, possibility and stories that form them. Being able to have dialogue in native languages and, in diverse languages means different possibilities and learnings emerge that can offer profoundly new perspectives and lenses, stretching what might be.


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Local Communities

Local Communities focus on bringing people together in a geographical location or other identifiable region. Many of our local communities are national such as CCA Japan, CCA USA, CCA Canada, but others cross national border such as CCA Africa or CCA Southeast Asia. Other communities are much more regionally focused such as CCA Yorkshire, UK or CCA Quesbec, Canada.

Language Communities

Language communities emerged from local communities. For example, we had a CCA France community, and french speaking people in other parts of the world joined in, so it became the CCA French community, with participants from Canada, Belgium and elsewhere readily joining in. We now have an expanding group of language communities including CCA Arabic, CCA Polish and CCA Spanish.

Pods (Communities of Interest)

Our Pods are initiated by you. There are a number that have laid their foundations and started to grow, such as the Political Pod, the Coaching In and With Nature Pod, the Work and Careers Pod, and the Education Pod to name just a few. See the full list below. If you can’t find the community or the conversations you want to be part of, then we invite you to start one. It’s easy, the first step is to email us here.

Reach out to the Communities and Pods below and join a local, national or global conversation.

If you’d like to start a new community or revive a dormant group as highlighted in the graphic above,
please email our Communities Support Team.

Communities by Region and Language


Lindy Jabavu, Denis Opio and Musa Nxumalo


This community meets regularly.  Please check the CCA’s Coming Events and register for ongoing sessions so you can be part of this emerging community.


Dalia Rehab, Omneya Omar


Arabic speaking coaches anywhere in our globe meet regularly to discuss climate coaching topics. We aim to learn, grow and serve Arabic speaking communities around consideration of the environment in all our decisions.

يجتمع متحدثو اللغة العربية من أي مكان في العالم بشكل منتظم لمناقشة الموضوعات المتعلقة بالمناخ. يهدف هذا التجمع للتعلم معا، النمو معا، لخدمة المجتمعات المتحدثة العربية لأخذ البيئة باعتبارنا في كل قراراتنا


Alan Taylor, Claire Harvey and Laurel Freeland


CCA AUS & NZ (ANZ) is an active group who meet mthly as a ‘Learning Lab’ to help raise awareness, share knowledge/ tools/experience & support.


Francesca Smith, Steffen Münzner


A Comunidade Brasileira CCA reúne coaches que estão prontos ou já trabalham ativamente com a emergência climática e a transição ecológica em seu coaching. Aprendemos e agimos juntos, cocriando novas abordagens, práticas e ferramentas para apoiar indivíduos, ONGs, empresas e instituições públicas em suas transformações. Somos um grupo aberto de colegas e acreditamos no poder da sabedoria e do apoio coletivo. Junte-se a nós!

The Brazilian CCA Community gathers coaches who are ready to or already working actively with the climate emergency and the ecological transition in their coaching. We learn and act together by co-creating new approaches, practices, and tools to support individuals, NGOs, businesses, and public institutions in their transformations. We are an open group of peers and believe in the power of collective wisdom and support. Do join us!


CCA-Canada brings together CCA members and engages in networking and co-learning.


Dominique Barbes & Valérie Sanchez.


Climate Coaching Alliance Québec est une communauté ouverte et intergénérationnelle de professionnels de l’accompagnement du changement (coachs, conseillers environnement ou ressources humaines, acteurs climat etc.), sensibles aux défis climatiques. Nous souhaitons apprendre et agir ensemble guidés par 3 principes fondateurs : Compassion – Conscience – Action. Basée sur l’intelligence collective, la bienveillance et la gouvernance participative, notre groupe permet le soutien et la mise en commun de nos réseaux et savoir-faire complémentaires. Vous êtes les bienvenus!

Climate Coaching Alliance Quebec is an open and intergenerational community of change management professionals (coaches, environmental or human resources advisors, climate actors, etc.), sensitive to climate challenges. We wish to learn and act together guided by 3 founding principles: Compassion – Awareness – Action. Based on collective intelligence, benevolence and participatory governance, our group allows the support and sharing of our complementary networks and know- how. You are welcome to join!


Jan Fronek & Martin O’Malley


We bring together Czech and Slovak speaking coaches who care about the topic of climate change, want to orient themselves in it for their coaching practice and look for mutual synergies. We want to meet online once every 2 months, and we will fine-tune the content and focus together.


Angela Di Lella, Corine Morel and Sophie Bochereau


The French-speaking CCA Community gathers coaches who are sensitive to the climate emergency and the ecological transition, wishing to learn and act together by co-creating new approaches, practices, and tools to support NGOs, businesses, public institutions, and the collectivities in their transformations. We are an open group and operate according to the principles of collective intelligence. Do join us!

La Communauté CCA Francophone réunit des coachs sensibles à l’urgence climatique et la transition écologique, qui souhaitent apprendre et agir ensemble en co-créant de nouvelles approches, pratiques et outils pour accompagner le tissu associatif, les entreprises, les institutions publiques et les collectivités dans leurs transformations. Nous sommes un groupe ouvert et nous fonctionnons selon les principes de l’intelligence collective. Rejoignez-nous!


Hanna Jertz  and Johanna Hallbauer


Mit unseren Mitglieder-Treffen bringen wir regelmäßig deutsch sprechende Coaches, Prozessbegleiter:innen und andere an den Themen der CCA Interessierte zusammen. Wir möchten einen Raum zum Kennenlernen, Vernetzen und zum gemeinsamen Gestalten bieten. Unsere Gruppe lebt davon, dass jede:r Ideen, Angebote oder Anliegen einbringt. Wir sind verbunden durch Willen zur Zusammenarbeit, und dem Wunsch nach Wirksamkeit und einem regenerativen Rhythmus. Seit Ende 2023 finden wieder Mitglieder-Treffen statt, bei denen auch Neuankömmlinge herzlich willkommen sind! 

Der Raum der Möglichkeiten ist groß: Ihr könnt z.B. eine Gruppe für kollegiale Fallberatung (mit)gründen; Menschen finden, um gemeinsam die Reise durch das Buch ‘Eco conscious coaching’ anzutreten; ein Projekt starten, um die Inner Development Goals in die Politik zu tragen, CoachesForFuture unterstützen – oder auch eure bestehenden Projekte und Vorhaben vorstellen, um Mitstreiter:innen und neue Ideen zu finden. Solche und weitere Angebote verbreiten und koordinieren wir über das CCA-Forum, LinkedIn und unseren E-Mail-Verteiler. 

In our membership meetings we regularly assemble German speaking coaches, facilitators and others interested in the topics of the CCA. We make space for really getting to know each other, networking and for working together. The group comes alive only through its members – each and everyone is called to bring ideas, offerings or wishes. We’re connected by the desire to really do stuff together, impact and a regenerative rhythm.


The CCA Greece aims to bring together coaches as well as people with diverse backgrounds based in Greece or elsewhere in the world who speak Greek, are concerned about the causes of climate change and want to have an impact and act in the areas of climate emergency and sustainability.

We meet often to share resources and experiences, create practices and tools, learn, and serve the community and society. Believing in ‘together we can do more’, we welcome individuals who share the same concerns and goals in preserving our home earth.

Το CCA Greece στοχεύει να φέρει κοντά coaches καθώς και άτομα με διαφορετικά υπόβαθρα που διαμένουν στην Ελλάδα ή αλλού στον κόσμο και μιλούν ελληνικά, που ανησυχούν για τα αίτια και τις συνέπειες της κλιματικής αλλαγής, θέλουν να έχουν αντίκτυπο και να δράσουν στους τομείς του κλίματος και της βιωσιμότητας.

Συναντιόμαστε συχνά για να μοιραστούμε πόρους και εμπειρίες, να δημιουργήσουμε πρακτικές και εργαλεία, να μάθουμε και να υπηρετήσουμε την κοινότητα και την κοινωνία. Πιστεύοντας στο «μαζί μπορούμε να κάνουμε περισσότερα», καλωσορίζουμε άτομα που μοιράζονται τις ίδιες ανησυχίες και στόχους για τη διατήρηση και προστασία του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος.


Balàzs Csocsàn and Csilla Sztarinka


With our community in Hungary, we would like to help build an eco-centric practice from the single person to a large company community. Our goal is to create an ecological and climate-conscious behaving community where everybody can understand what is happening and why, as well as what each of us can do about it.

We might use such tools as score systems, open conversations, reading, and more to move forward, but for sure we would like that after 2025 everybody whom we reached out to with our coaching techniques, can handle climate change in their own conscious way.


Silvia Tassarotti and Giuliano Tarditi


The CCA Italy gathers coaches and other practitioners who want to have an impact on climate change and sustainability, expanding their role and learning new approaches, practices and tools. We are an open group and operate according to the principles of collective intelligence. Please check CCA’s Coming Events and register for ongoing sessions so you can be part of this emerging community.

Il CCA Italia riunisce coach e altri professionisti che desiderano avere un impatto sui cambiamenti climatici e sulla sostenibilita’ espandendo il proprio ruolo e apprendendo nuovi approcci, pratiche e strumenti. Siamo un gruppo aperto e operiamo secondo i principi dell’intelligenza collettiva. Controlla  i prossimi eventi del CCA  e registrati per le sessioni in corso in modo da poter far parte di questa comunità emergente.


Aya Usui & Tensei Yoshida





CCA Japan brings together coaches to accelerate learning and impact in the face of climate change and ecological emergencies.

CCA Japan aims to bring together Japan-based coaches interested in creating communities of practice in the areas of climate emergencies, ecological transition and sustainability.

Please take a look at CCA’s events and register your interest.


Soojin Kim & Haesun Chung


This space is for Korean-speaking coaches and change-makers to explore how coaching can contribute to climate action. Through shared learning, discussions, and collaboration, members will address local and international environmental challenges, integrate climate-conscious coaching into our practices, and support one another in fostering sustainable change. Here is the CCA Korean sign up link –

이 공간은 한국어를 사용하는 코치와 변화 주도자들이 코칭을 통해 기후 행동에 어떻게 기여할 수 있는지 탐구하는 곳입니다. 함께 배우고 논의하며 협력하는 과정을 통해, 지역 및 국제적인 환경 문제를 다루고, 기후 의식을 반영한 코칭을 실천에 통합하며, 지속 가능한 변화를 만들어가는 데 서로를 지원합니다. 한국어 커뮤니티 신청서입니다: 


Natalia Fey, Denise Pang and Heidi Lyngstad,


CCA Norway community brings together coaches and leaders from across Norway to jointly explore the power of the coaching approach in enhancing regenerative practices and behaviors in organizations. We positively impact climate change through building a community of climate-conscious coaches and leaders who care about the future of our local communities and the planet.

CCA Norway is a reflective and supportive space for coaches and leaders to share and learn how to address climate challenges and enhance sustainability work by leveraging our coaching skills. We hold all our initiatives in line with the values & principles of CCA.

We meet regularly to share experiences and resources, inspire and support each other, and organize meaningful and impactful climate coaching events together with our aspiring and engaged climate coaching community.


Gosia Henderson & Katarzyna Schubert-Panecka


The Polish-speaking CCA Community provides a space for coaches and other practitioners (coaching psychologists, coaching supervisors, facilitators, trainers and leadership development professionals) who wish to explore their role and expand their practice – in this sense to grow – in addressing climate and ecological emergency through a shared learning a

Polsko-języczna społeczność CCA oferuje przestrzeń coachom i innym specjalistom/specjalistkom (z dziedziny psychologii, terapii, superwizji, facylitacji, treningu oraz rozwoju przywództwa), którzy/które chcą zgłębić znaczenie własnej roli i pogłębić swoją praktykę – w tym sensie rozwijać się – w obszarze kryzysu klimatycznego i ekologicznego poprzez dzielenie się wiedzą i współpracę.


Richard Hartung and Yorde Leelawejabootr


CCA Southeast Asia brings CCA members from across Southeast Asia together for learning, networking and other activities.


Elsa Valdivielso Martinez


En CCA-hispano creamos un espacio de manera conjunta para empezar a tomar acciones que tengan un impacto positivo en todos nuestros sistemas y, específicamente, en el eco-sistema. ¿Tienes curiosidad? Anímate y ¡únete!


Rika Cossey and Jens Malmström


At CCA Sweden, we come together to promote climate coaching in Sweden. We are at different stages of our coaching journeys and have different interests but we all care deeply about the effects of climate change on our local communities. In our community, we focus on learning and growing together through book circles, topical discussions, and networking.

På CCA Sverige samlas vi för att främja klimatcoaching i Sverige. Vi befinner oss i olika stadier av våra coachingresor och har olika intressen, men vi bryr oss alla djupt om effekterna av klimatförändringarna på våra lokala samhällen. I vår grupp fokuserar vi på att lära och växa tillsammans genom bokcirklar, aktuella diskussioner och nätverkande. 


CCA Swiss aims to bring together coaches based or working in Switzerland, interested in creating a community of practice in the areas of climate emergency, ecological transition and sustainability.

Please check CCA’s Coming Events and register so you can contribute to co-create goals and plans for this emerging community.


The Turkish-speaking CCA Community is a self organizing community gathering together coaches who are sensitive to climate emergency and the ecological transition. The coaches who like to learn together wish to encourage to grow awareness and action upon the cause through the coaching profession. We hold events, conversations and workshops according to the main principles & values of CCA and collective intelligence. We meet at zoom monthly. You are more than welcome. Please feel free to join us from anywhere on the globe!

Türkçe konuşan, iklim ve ekolojik dönüşüme duyarlı koç ve koçluk ilintili meslek gruplarının bir araya geldiği İklim Koçluğu Türkçe Topluluğu, kendi kendine organize olan bir topluluktur. Beraber öğrenmekten zevk alan koçlar, koçluk mesleğiyle farkındalığı geliştirme ve harekete geçme konularını desteklemeyi istiyor. Etkinlikler, sohbetler ve atölyelerle CCA ana prensip ve değerlerine bağlı olarak kolektif zeka ile çalışıyoruz. Aylık toplantılarımızı zoom ile yapıyoruz. Dünyanın herhangi bir yerinden bize katılmanızdan memnuniyet duyarız.


CCA Yorkshire is aimed at Yorkshire-based coaches with an interest in climate (but our events are open to everyone).

We hold Climate Cafes and other events that are confidential, respectful, thinking and feeling spaces, in which to meet with fellow coaches and other people to express our thoughts and feelings about climate and ecological breakdown.


Anne-Marie Brest and Phil Metzler  


CCA USA is a group of USA-based coaches with diverse backgrounds and who are centrally concerned with the human caused climate breakdown.

We meet monthly to share resources, experiences, provide support and organize events for our membership and the communities we serve. We function as a social and developmental network and are experimenting with a model of emergent and distributed leadership.  Join us! 

Special Interest PODS


Anna Brown, Denise Pang & Hazel Farrer  


Welcoming all coaches who are experienced or curious about coaching in and with nature. We’d love you to join us to share your ideas and learn from each other’s approaches to harnessing the magical powers of nature in coaching. Whether it be for mindful practice, recovery from burnout, expanding clients’ system and systemic awareness or opening up perspectives through nature, it has the potential to support reconnection with self, community and planet.


Mark McMordie, Liz Hall, Jane Brendgen and Lindsay Wittenberg  


The purpose of the Compassion Special Interest Pod is to provide a secular Compassion Community of Practice (CCoP) as a way of co-regulating and processing difficult emotions that arise within the Ecological Awareness Cycle.The CCoP serves as both an antidote to empathic distress fatigue and climate-related burnout in the coach, and their clients in turn, and also develops qualities beneficial to the coaching relationship and better coaching outcomes. 

We plan to meet monthly (generally on the third Wednesday of every month starting in November 2024) at 4-6pm London. Please check the events page to register.

“Without inner change there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.”


This “Deep Adaptation” support pod will consider our and our clients’ emotions, thoughts, resilience and spiritual journey under the shadow of near-term social and environmental systems collapse as outlined in the Deep Adaptation paper by Dr. Jem Bendell.”


Eve Turner, Alison Maitland & Stuart Pickles


Our aim is to identify and foster collaborative “win-win” partnerships with people and organisations (with aligned values), who can help CCA achieve its vision and purpose.   We’d love you to join us to share your ideas and get actively engaged in partnership work.”


Fiona Anderson & Lydia Stevens

The Political Pod meets on the first or second Thursday of each month. It’s open to anyone who is interested in promoting sustainable climate-aware coaching in the public arena. This includes working with politicians, influencers, activists and concerned citizens. 
We conduct stimulating presentations and discussions that challenge our thinking and strengthen our capacity and resolve to shift the mindsets of those in power.  
Please email us if you would like to be on the mailing list.

Katarzyna Schubert-Panecka, Leni Wildflower and Omneia Kassem


Here’s our question:
“How can we support meeting our needs for knowledge and evidence, so we can transform our practice, our impact and our profession?”

Work with us to find the answer.


The CCA Work and Careers Pod meets monthly via Zoom and communicates more generally in the #pod-work-and-careers channel on the CCA Slack.

Mission: To empower and facilitate the transition process for individuals and businesses to realize an equitable system change toward sustainability and a green economy.

Vision: A world where work and business are part of the solution to climate change


A working group for all those interested in working with children and young people regarding the climate challenge.

We’re a group of educators and coaches curious about using a coaching approach to work with young people to help them address the climate challenge. Whatever your background or experience you would be very welcome to join us. Together we have already started on our journey to create a ‘guidebook’ for those working with young people and are now exploring resources, tools and case studies that can further support coaches and educators.

Our monthly meetings are usually on the 3rd Monday of the month alternating between 9am and 7pm GMT. Just get in contact to find out more.