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Quote from AnnaRB on Oct 30, 2023, 11:13 pmLet's use this space to share recommendations and suggestions for books, articles, podcasts, courses, etc on the topic of coaching in and with nature
Let's use this space to share recommendations and suggestions for books, articles, podcasts, courses, etc on the topic of coaching in and with nature

Quote from AnnaRB on Oct 30, 2023, 11:39 pmA few people mentioned the Coaching Outdoors Podcast during our Pod launch event, so I'm including the link here for convenience and enjoyment.
A few people mentioned the Coaching Outdoors Podcast during our Pod launch event, so I'm including the link here for convenience and enjoyment.

Quote from AnnaRB on Oct 30, 2023, 11:42 pmIn the UK, Lesley Roberts has a book on coaching outdoors that's really worth a read. She also has a number of courses for coaches wishing to learn more about bringing nature into their practice.
In the UK, Lesley Roberts has a book on coaching outdoors that's really worth a read. She also has a number of courses for coaches wishing to learn more about bringing nature into their practice.

Quote from Paul Camp on Nov 7, 2023, 11:08 pmIn the Netherlands 'wandelcoach' (translated) walkingcoach is very popular. It is all about coaching in nature. Unfortunately there isn't an English version of this approach. But it does use the 'walking meditation by Thich nhat hanh' which you can find online with a simple ecosia search. I also teach walking coaching.
In the Netherlands 'wandelcoach' (translated) walkingcoach is very popular. It is all about coaching in nature. Unfortunately there isn't an English version of this approach. But it does use the 'walking meditation by Thich nhat hanh' which you can find online with a simple ecosia search. I also teach walking coaching.
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