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RESOURCES: CCA Political Pod

Quote from FJCC on Sep 29, 2023, 12:54 amRESOURCES
Welcome to the CCA Political POD. This specific topic has been created as a place to save RESOURCES relevant to our work and interactions. We'll continue to post our regular newsletters and other material here for your reference.
However, if you'd like to start a conversation, pose a question or ask for support, please create a separate and relevant topic.
Thanks for your support
Welcome to the CCA Political POD. This specific topic has been created as a place to save RESOURCES relevant to our work and interactions. We'll continue to post our regular newsletters and other material here for your reference.
However, if you'd like to start a conversation, pose a question or ask for support, please create a separate and relevant topic.
Thanks for your support
Quote from dngtech on Sep 30, 2023, 12:23 pmPOLITICAL POD NEWSLETTER - SEPTEMBER 2023
Hi Everyone, Welcome to the latest edition of the CCA Political Pod Newsletter.
The call to action for Climate Aware coaches working in the public arena is about:
- How we can support our powerful decision makers to take their blinkers off.
- How we can help them shift from their tight focus on economic growth (What we want and what to do to get what we want).
- How we can support them to understand that, from nature’s perspective, our self-centered thirst for more, be it pleasure, convenience or material goods, is totally out of balance with what the environment can provide.
- How we can introduce and showcase ways of working based on interconnectedness with nature and promote political and public leverage in creating greater harmony.
In this edition you will find:
- A great summary of Marcela Scarpellini’s inspiring presentation
- Are Courts our Bastions of Hope?” in September, and a link to the recording.
- An invitation to our October Peer Coaching Session
- A report on the Seasonal Heartbeat event in November which focuses on Connection
- A Playbook Update.
The full newsletter is attached.
Hi Everyone, Welcome to the latest edition of the CCA Political Pod Newsletter.
The call to action for Climate Aware coaches working in the public arena is about:
- How we can support our powerful decision makers to take their blinkers off.
- How we can help them shift from their tight focus on economic growth (What we want and what to do to get what we want).
- How we can support them to understand that, from nature’s perspective, our self-centered thirst for more, be it pleasure, convenience or material goods, is totally out of balance with what the environment can provide.
- How we can introduce and showcase ways of working based on interconnectedness with nature and promote political and public leverage in creating greater harmony.
In this edition you will find:
- A great summary of Marcela Scarpellini’s inspiring presentation
- Are Courts our Bastions of Hope?” in September, and a link to the recording.
- An invitation to our October Peer Coaching Session
- A report on the Seasonal Heartbeat event in November which focuses on Connection
- A Playbook Update.
The full newsletter is attached.
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