Coaching the Great Awakening:
A festival of creative coaching tools for liminal spaces
Once again, supporting Coaching at Work’s Climate Coaching Day, we invite members of Climate Coaching Alliance to become involved in a series of conversations – over a week rather than one day this year! We are envisioning a whole week of learning and sharing together as we explore the transitional spaces in between where we are now and where we are moving to – personally as citizens and professionally as coaches.
The pandemic has reset a lot of lives globally and continues with newer challenges as we enter 2022 too. Coaching, in all its forms, is being recognised as an essential element in the transformational process. The recent global climatic changes too have surprised many of us. Everyone is feeling uncertain.
In such times, it is important to accept the liminal, transitional, in-between, spaces wholeheartedly. We do not know specifically what the future holds but the excitement of new possibilities in greatest in these spaces. There is no time better than now to speak about how we might move forward with confidence and orientate ourselves when in transition. What other ways of ‘knowing’ may exist that are beyond the purely rational and analytical ways of thinking and finding silver bullet solutions? Traditional wisdoms and indigenous cultures point to embodied ways of knowing and rituals that create a safe and more comfortable spaces in turbulent times. These are often more creative processes, including art, poetry, dance, and protocols about how to be together in respectful conversation. These ways of being enable different ways of knowing what to do, to emerge.
What answers have you been experimenting with?
What can you share?
What are you curious about and would like to host a conversation about – drawing together our collective wisdom?
We invite you to join us 3rd – 8th March 2022 – There will be daily events between 8am-12pm and 6pm-22pm UTC/GMT.
If you are considering submitting a festival contribution, please click here to share your plans with us!